I love to be inspired by what others have done.

I love to be inspired by other people's projects and goals. It challenges me to get up and get busy. I hope you're inspired to make a little progress on whatever project you've been dreaming of doing.

Monday, January 10, 2011

Just fix it

It's a beautiful, white morning here in Knoxville, TN. With the gym being closed (due to snow/ice) so frequently, I'm having trouble getting back to consistent exercise this year. The good news is I have a little extra time to finish reading a book http://www.amazon.com/Smart-Moves-Learning-Your-Head/dp/0915556278 I have out on interlibrary loan that is (was since the library is closed) due today. I hope to schedule in more reading this year and have been working on a list of books to read. Over the weekend I did some repair work on some items that needed some glue. This week I intend to put a hem in a pair of pants that has been in my ironing basket (I think there are three pairs in the basket, but I am starting with a small goal). Do you have a mending/repair goal for the week? Your goal could be to buy what you need to repair something next week.

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